Friday, August 29, 2008

Ultrasound today.

Well, today we went to get another ultrasound-28 weeks along. The lady who did the initial ultrasound before the specialist was wonderful. She was the one there when we first found out. She gave us some pictures, which I am so grateful to have and cherish. The specialist came and did a more thorough scan of Samuel-looking in more detail at his mouth, hands, heart, and brain. He is very surprised that everything came back negative from the Baylor labs. He said that when Samuel is delivered we can do some blood work and possibly (still not 100%) find the diagnosis. He also mentioned that this actually could be linked to Jeff and me. It could possibly be a recessive gene that he and I have that could cause this. When Samuel is delivered and bloodwork is done, we should be able to find this information out. Samuel may have an extra finger, but we aren't sure. He also said that Samuel's ear was set lower than normal. Also, Samuel's head is measuring at 32 weeks and I am only 28 weeks along. The doctor said this is due to the extra fluid in his brain. We will have to determine at a later time, if a C-section will be required because of this condition. The doctor also said that, since we were unable to find a diagnosis, that the prognosis is really just a guessing game. We really can't say if he will die immediately, shortly thereafter, in the womb, or maybe a little longer. Basically, we will find out when he comes out of the womb...whether or not he is breathing on his own and can eat on his own. Gosh.... this is a lot to handle.

On a side note, it was really exciting to see Samuel. He wasn't always cooperative with the doctor. He was moving and kicking around a lot. It was kind of fun to see him like that. At the same time, it was a little strange seeing the 3-D images because of the cleft lip and jaw that is set back really far. I guess you just expect that your baby will look perfect. But I guess he is really perfect, because he is our child. It still is hard. This whole situation is really hard to come to terms with. Some days it just seems like a dream.

To come: neonatologist next week, ob in two weeks, ultrasound in 4 weeks. And...who knows what else???


kyrajane said...

Hey! I'm glad the ultrasound was good...meaning that you got to see your baby! i love you.

dave and mary said...

Dear Kristy, Jeff, Dawson, Samuel,
Again, you have been so good at letting people know what is happening and how that is impacting you. Dave and I pray for you each day that the Lord will give you what you need in every area.
Mary Carlson