Friday, August 15, 2008

Prepare for the worst, Hope for the Best

Psalm 91: 1-4 (New living translation)
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.

Yesterday was a hard day again, for both Jeff and I. On Wednesday we met with a couple who had lost a baby at 28 weeks-reason unknown (they did not know anything was wrong beforehand). It was hard emotionally. At the same time, it was really good to meet with them and encouraging. Encouraging to see hope after such a hard time, being able to have other children, and learning more of the personality of Christ. They gave us great advice that I think will help us in some decisions we need to make. We talked about having a funeral and being prepared for one. Initially, I felt like this was telling Samuel, "I have given up on you". But that is not truth. I think we should prepare for the worst, but hope for the best. I don't think this means I am giving up hope on Samuel. Samuel is a fighter. I think he has already fought pretty hard so far. There is no way that I would ever give up hope. With that said, I still want to be real with myself and the reality of the situation. I don't want to give myself false hope.

Anyway, the doctor called today and said that the specialist wants to do another ultrasound at the end of the month. He wants to see how the body is growing. I am not sure the point of this since prognosis is still the same, but whatever, I do want they tell me to do (at least sometimes). We will also be meeting with ob at end of month for regular appointment and to discuss further the results (again, not really sure what to discuss, since they didn't find anything).

Dawson and I have been keeping busy. I have just been trying to keep up with house, but still get out of the house everyday. Dawson took a nap today, so it has been quite nice. I think I will join him. I love him!! He is such a character lately. He has been telling me "you're a crazy driver" and "stop talking to me". These are just some of the aftermaths from mamaw. Yikes!! He is starting to get an attitude...we need to nip this in the butt!

Thanks all for listening. Keep praying. God is big!

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