Wednesday, August 20, 2008


There are some things in life that I really can trust God in, while there are others that I can't. I have yet to figure out the reason why this is so. I think that with the baby situation I immediately decided to give it over to God. Whereas in other situations in my life, I have first tried to do it myself-trust myself. That is where I went all wrong. Then the situation (whatever it may have been) just continued-never fully being resolved because of my desire to put it in my hands. What I have learned from this: trust God first (it makes things a lot easier), it is never to late to let go and give it to God (he wanted it in the first place), and finally that God can restore what we screwed up (thank goodness). Today has been difficult. Please pray for our family unit. I must learn to see hope in all circumstances.


tim, and brenda said...

Jeff, Kristy, Dawson, and Samuel,
Thank you for the continued updates. Your strength is an inspiration to all. You always are in our prayers.
Love, Aunt Brenda, Uncle Tim, and Mike

dave and mary said...

Thanks, Kristy and Jeff for your updates. We've been gone for a few days, so just wanted to check in. We continue to pray for you and Dawson and Samuel. Love, mary