Saturday, September 27, 2008

Just when we thought it couldn't get worse!

Yesterday, we had an ultrasound. It was actually a pretty quick one. They really just did the measurements of Samuel and the amniotic fluid. But, then we got more bad news. I have already mentioned that my stomach is HUGE, well, there is a reason for that. I have too much amniotic fluid. This is not a good thing. Now this puts me at risk. Before there was no added risk to me. Until now. Worst case scenario with this situation is that I would bleed profusely after delivery and that my uterus would not be able to contract back. Which in turn could mean blood transfusion and losing my uterus. The specialist mentioned again, "worst case scenario". I reminded him that we have ALL the worst case scenarios, so that really meant nothing to me. Yea. If it isn't one thing it is another. And another thing, Samuel's head is measuring at 41 weeks already. That is 9 weeks bigger than it should be. I still have 8 weeks to go (well maybe) and a baby's head that is continuing to grow. That puts me at an increased risk of a c-section.
Another thing I forgot to mention is that because I have too much amniotic fluid, I am at risk for preterm labor. I think my stress level has jumped a huge amount since yesterday. It was one thing to just have to think about Samuel, now that I have a major risk involved, ah. So much!!! Really? Can someone handle so much. Pray for us!


jenna said...

Oh kristy, I will definitely be in prayer for you. I am so sorry. I'll pass this on to my bible study too. If there is anything you need or I can do let me know. I love you so much and you are such an amazing woman of the Lord! I know you are in His hands, I'll be praying for you and samuel!

Unknown said...

Maggie and I just want you to know that we are thinking of you and we love you. Please take care of yourself. Let us know if you need anything, I mean ANYTHING. I can be there to help you, fast! Love, Aunt Lisa.

Heather Rice said...

Kristy, I am praying for you. I hope you feel peace these next few weeks and that Samuel STAYS PUT!

Anonymous said...

I'm a friend of your neighbor's, Sue. I've been following your blog since she posted it to me an praying for your situation. I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you and your family. It's evident that you already know that we serve a God that is BIGGER than this!

Judy Devor