Thursday, September 11, 2008

Doctor Appt today- a glimpse of hope!

Today Dawson and I went to my OB appt. Just a regular check-up, but I felt some sense of hope at the visit. The doctor said she had talked with the neonatologist after we met with her. My OB just basically said, "hey, it could be better than we think". I don't think she was trying to give us false hope, but just helping us to realize that Samuel may want to survive against the odds that seem so apparent. So, it actually wasn't such a bad thing to go to the doctor today-finally! It was just a slight sense of encouragement, just enough. Although, at the same time, I find it hard to come to terms with the fact that if Samuel does survive, he will would be special needs-to the extreme. Don't get me wrong-I want Samuel to survive, I just know that it will present challenges in our lives that, of course, we were never anticipating. But does anyone really expect that things will go "normal" all the time? No, I don't think is just an adjustment to the lives that WE had planned out-not GOD.

And on a cute note. When we were at the doctor's office today, Dawson brought his doctor's kit. He was checking me out before the doctor got in. He made sure my heart was ok. Then he check my reflexes (ouch, he doesn't quite understand gentle). The entire time I was talking with the doctor, he was giving me shots. It was so cute!

1 comment:

Rally said...

Hello, this Buffy's sister-in-law. She recently sent me your blog just to share your story. I have enjoyed reading what God is doing in you through this difficult journey, and have prayed for you many time. On Saturday night during worship, you flooded my mind, and I stood in the gap for you not knowing or understanding why, but trusting and believing that God did.
Recently, I shared your blog with my sister, and in return she sent me this link: I have wept, laughed, and been so encouraged by this blog as she faced a very similar situation. My hope is that it will bring some encouragement for you.

Much love to you.