Sunday, September 7, 2008

How Blessed!

Just a couple of things: First, I just want to tell everyone THANK YOU! We are have been showered with so many blessing in so many ways. I can't tell you how much it means just to know that our story is being spread and we are being bathed in prayer. I have to say that we can feel His presence during this difficult time. This makes me more and more encouraged of the goodness of man. I have been learning so many things about God and about people through this experience. I feel my heart has changed for others through this and that I personally am more sympathetic to others in so many ways. As I know you all are-just keep praying. Pray big because God is big.

And another thing:
Psalm 62:5
Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him


sjbecker said...

Hi Kristy, We are continuing to pray for all of you during this very difficult time. I know God will give you all you need at the exact time you will need it. Check out Jeremiah 29: 11-13 ,it certainly helped me in my most trying time of life. In His Love sueb from Calif.

Unknown said...

Kristy, this is Eric Stropes, Carissa passed along your blog. I just wanted to let you that you and your family will be in my wife and my prayers.

terri said...

Kristy, I'm Terri Richrds, from Mineaplois Minnesota, a friend of Sue Seeley. Want you to know you and your family are my in prayers.