Sunday, January 4, 2009

Heavenly Visions

The beauty of child-like faith takes my breath away. I have to tell you what happened the night before Samuel died. I was putting Dawson to bed while Jeff was at the hospital with Samuel. Dawson and I were praying as we normally do before bed. Dawson's prayer goes like this: "God, Jesus, Amen". This particular night I told Daws that Samuel was very sick and we needed to pray for him. Then Dawson said the most amazing thing I could have asked for. He said, "Samuel is dying. Samuel is dead" then pointed out the window and said "there are angels out there holding Samuel. They are going to put him back in his bed. They are flap, flap, flappin' out there." After that he said the name "michael". I asked him why he said that...but he just said, "nuthin". I felt like that was a sign from God. It gave me peace that he was taken care of and that angels were holding him. I am at peace that Samuel is with Jesus. I know that he is a lot better off. I can just picture him with a whole body in heaven-no more pain, no surgeries, just freedom. My sweet baby Samuel is in the arms of the Lord, I couldn't ask for anything more.


Anonymous said...

I believe Dawson saw the angels and I pray for peace for you during this time. My prayers are with you and your family. We love you all. Even though I never knew Samuel, I feel like I did.


Lucky Mama said...

Prayers and hugs. This must hurt so badly. I'm praying for you and so glad that Samuel is so loved, by God and by his family.

Anonymous said...

They say that children are more open to things we don't know or see as adults - angels, ghosts, etc. It sounds as if Dawson saw the angels and he is a peace with the situation.
Dawson is such great little boy.
Prayers are coming your way.

Heather Rice said...

What a blessing! Kristy, I am so happy for you that God revealed Himself not only to you, but to big brother as well!

I am praying for you all today and celebrating Samuel's life here in Ky. My children and I are going to do a balloon release this afternoon in honor of your sweet Samuel.

the ewings said...

Praying for you as you celebrate Samuel's sweet life, God's goodness (all the time) and your deep faithfulness! What a wonderful vision God gave Dawson for you to have the confidence that Samuel is still being cared for by God as always! May you continually feel His peace and comfort! - Chris

Anonymous said...

Michael is an archangel, one of the principal 50 angels in Christian and Islamic tradition. He is viewed as the field commander of the Army of God. He is mentioned by name in the Book of Daniel[1] and the Book of Revelation.[2] In the book of Daniel, Michael appears as "one of the chief princes"[3] who in Daniel's vision comes to the angel Gabriel's aid in his contest with the angel of Persia (Dobiel), and is also described there as the advocate of Israel and "great prince who stands up for the children of your [Daniel's] people".[4]

I can't imagine anyone more perfect to escort Samuel to heaven than one described as a "field commander" and a "prince" for these things can also be said about Samuel. Michael is associated with protecting our soldiers and police officers and Samuel was such a little soldier. Samuel possessed both of these earthly and heavenly traits which will make him forever remembered by all.

kyrajane said...

thats so amazing! I def think that Children (AND PETS :_) ) can sense and see things of a spiritual matter. How beautiful that Dawson saw that!!! so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I have always heard that children can see angels, and I do believe that is what he saw was Archangel Michael.

"Michael is also represented in icons as standing on a horizontal body and with his left arm held high, holding a small image of a "baby". The body represents a human being at the time of his death and the image of the "baby" represents the soul of the deceased. This icon came about since the belief has always been held that the Archangel Michael takes the souls of the dead with the Guardian Angel. This is typical of the miraculous and wonder-working Panormitis icon in Symi of Greece."

It would appear that Dawson saw him come and take Samuel with him.

What a gift for you. I am terribly sorry for your loss - I cannot begin to imagine the heartache. Your son gave you a gift - I hope it heals you that one day, you shall see your beautiful, painfree, little boy, now angel, again.

angel said...

So beautiful! May He continue to reveal Himself to each of you!

We love you and can't wait to have you here!

The Cox Family

Anonymous said...

I think the words of this Bill & Gloria Gaither speak of how you feel about Samuel.

"When Jesus sent you to us, we loved you from the start,
You were just a bit of sunshine from Heaven to our heart,
Not just another baby but since the world began,
There's been something very special for you in God's plan.

That's why He made you special, you're the only one of you kind
He had a special purpose that He wanted you to find
So He made you something special, You're the only one of your kind."

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have copies of the July entries of the blog or know how I can get them? I want to put them all in a book for the kids, for some time in the future, when they are ready for it. I can't access the July entries. I especially want the one entitled, His Name is Samuel.

Anonymous said...

Keep clicking on "older posts" at the end the blog entry (previous page). In July there is an entry with Samuel's name.

Anonymous said...

You don't know me, but I had been praying for your little Samuel since i first started reading about him. I am so sorry for you, but so happy for Samuel that he is with Jesus now.
love, Gail Estes

jenna said...

I started reading the copy of the sacred romance you gave me yesterday and they talked about michael. Its so awesome that God sent his best for Samuel! Such a blessing :)

Heather Rice said...

Kristy, So Our computer got hacked so to speak and has been out of service. I havent been able to keep u with your blog. I just read about your prayer time with Dawson and the hair raised on my whole body. God is soooooo GOOD!!!! And once again I am speechless. I just feel like God really used this entire journey with Samuel to bring himself Glory! You guys are amazing and will never realize the impact your faithfulness has had on others. My heart breaks for you..but at the same time I have been so encouraged by your testimony of what God was growing in all of you. You Amaze me. I mean it. I weap for you. I hope you sense the burden lifted. I have no doubt that Samuel is in the "Holy of Holies" in the middle of a great choir of angles as our Lord sits on his thrown. God has been gloried by his prescious little life. By the way this is Aimee, I just realized I am under heathers account. I love you!

Anonymous said...
