Monday, January 12, 2009

Donations: US Bank

OK... so we have set up a memorial fund through US Bank. For whatever reason, it has been a little more complicated than expected.

It is under the name: Samuel A. Rowbotham Memorial Fund

Apparently you can only donate by going into the bank....

But...if you don't have a US Bank, you can mail a check to my mom's address with "Samuel A. Rowbotham Memorial Fund" written on it. It seems technology has only come so far. She will then deposit the money into the account.... I am not sure this is the best option yet (if you don't have a US Bank) so I will work on a better plan. Feel free to give me suggestions. Otherwise, you can mail check to my mom...just email me if you want to do that and I will give you her address. You can email me at: and please put "donation for samuel" in the subject. OK. Thanks.

Sorry so complicated.

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