Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The day that would never happen

Samuel is experiencing circumcision on the 40th day instead of the 8th (please see Genesis 17) today and we hope that goes well. He has been doing great and loves to be held and cuddle. The hospital actually has volunteer cuddlers that hold him while Kristy and I can't be there.
I had the privilege of doing the "car seat walk" yesterday, which is where they check the car seat to see if it is compatible with his trach and him reclining enough. We are doing overnight stays on Friday and Saturday night where we are completely responsible for his care for 48 straight hours, and he'll be coming home after 45 days.

The day that would never happen is happening on Monday. We thought that his homecoming would be the heavenly type, but now we are truly blessed that he will be coming home with us on Monday. God is good and we have already experienced more than we could have imagined.


kyrajane said...

oh gosh. I'm so happy you all will be a family together, in one spot!

Anonymous said...

Praise GOD!

Lucky Mama said...

You baby boy is perfect congratulations and best wishes on his homecoming!!!

jenna said...

I'm sooo excited for you guys!! And what a great job...volunteer cuddler?! sign me up!

Heather Rice said...

YIPPEE!!!!!! I am so excited for you guys! How wonderful to start making memories in the comforts of your home!!!!! I bet Dawson is pumped!

Paul A. Coleman said...

I am proud of you guys for hanging in there and trusting God when things looked grim. God is demonstrating His greatness in your lives.


Anonymous said...

kristy...i have followed your story for months now...thru jess & sarah...thank you for letting us into your story...i am honored to be a part...i am hoping to meet you all and maybe get to hold little samuel tomorrow...if not, when the time is right. much love on this road...leith mchugh

Anonymous said...

Rejoicing with you!

"But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God." Psalm 146:5 NLT