Monday, November 17, 2008

A Rocky Road

Today was filled with more rocks in the road-Samuel's shunt is infected. It is either menigitis or a staph infection. The neurosurgeon had come in the morning and did a shunt tap (pulling some fluid out of the shunt). Now, this means that Samuel has to have additional surgeries. First, he will have the shunt removed and placed externally. This means he will literally have the fluid draining into a bag. Then, once he has recovered from the infection, he will have a new shunt placed. Today was the first day that Samuel actually looked sick to me. It was an emotional day. Some days I just feel like I can't deal with all this. I am emotional drained. Jeff and I just wonder what God is doing. I really had to cry out to God today-Jeff and I need clarity and wisdom in our decisions. It is hard not to be frustrated with God, but despite being frustrated we are still trusting Him and His plan, but it would be nice to have a little bit of relief-some things to come "just as planned", but I guess life is not always like that.... So, please pray for strength and energy for Jeff and I. And also pray for healing for Samuel. Pray that his little body will fight off this infection. We are not giving up hope on this little man!


Christina said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Stacey Joy said...

Love you guys! Praying, praying, praying...

Anonymous said...

Kristi and Jeff and Dawson and Samuel,
I think of you and your family everyday. Some may say that I saw Samuel first along with you and Jeff....but No....God saw him first and I know that he is looking down on him now and will continue to be there for all of you.

Karen, ultrasound tech